Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today was a busy day again!

I thought all that could be added to my job was added but I was wrong. I now have another job!! I am really tired. I did speak up today at our 8:15 meeting-I told management I need help! I thought I could get some help from the new girl up front and then estimating stole her. I am suppose to have help tomorrow, we'll see. Tomorrow is my Friday-I have Thursday and Friday off. I cannot wait! My Mom and Dad aren't coming down to visit this week. My Dad had a Lupus episode, so no driving for him. He is feeling better tonight, which I hope continues. Good night everyone!


  1. Oh Sherrie I am so sorry about work, I have been there and done that back in the UK. Unfortunately if you are great at your job, a coper and get results, management will always try to abuse that. Stand your ground for help in the interests of your health.

  2. Sarah, I am definitely going to insist I get help from Elizabeth up front. She has a brain and loves to help so help away I say!!

  3. I've had jobs like you describe. The harder you try, the more they give you to do. Good luck getting some help. I know how the constant pressure effects the way we feel.

  4. I did get help finally today! It was so nice not to run around like a crazy person today! I am now off officially until Monday-YAY!!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your work stress and about your dad. I'm wishing you a peaceful weekend.
    Thank you so much for keeping me company on my trip to Japan. Knowing you're there always made me smile.

  6. Oh Kay you are such a sweetie!!
