Just thought I would check in with you all! I have my new house all together now. I will take some pictures soon and show you all where I am living. I want to get some paint this weekend for my bedroom and bath. It is just plain looking-cream and white and I need some color to liven the place up! I have painted a little more. I painted the feather below:
This was a really fun project. It taught me how to "run" colors into other colors and then wait until the project dries completely. Then I painted leaves, stems and dots in white on the feather. Very different but beautiful!
I have been knitting every night on the baby blanket for my niece, Devyn's little baby girl, Bradley. She was born in the middle of January and I want to get it completed before she is too big for it! Here is my progress so far:
My niece likes pink, white and gray together. She should be happy with this! I work on it while I'm watching TV. The pattern isn't too hard. I only have 1 row I had to take out because I must have knitted an extra stitch.
I have been trying to keep myself busy. I feel if I keep myself busy, I won't miss John as much. Believe me some days that doesn't work at all. Some days he is on my mind constantly. I still talk to him while I am watching TV. I think the dog thinks I am crazy chatting away about the show I am watching, etc. Oh well, I could be crying my eyes out all the time so I think chatting away is better.
I have been listening to alot of Audibles lately too. Sometimes I'm tired of TV, so I just knit and listen to the book on Audible and get lost in the story!
Well my friends, I better get going but I thought I would just check in. Hopefully I will start posting more regularly and have some pictures of my new house.
Take care my friends!