Friday, February 20, 2009

Here is Flash and Sparkles New Home!

As you read in the post below I broke my 2 fancy-tailed goldfish home. I went to PetSmart and bought them a 10 gallon tank with plants and a little Japanese statue for them to swim around. Here is some pics of their new home and the fishes! The first pic has the black wires showing behind the tank, I need to get more plants to camo those.

Here is Flash!

This is Sparkles!

I think both of these little fishes are happier! I love to watch them swimming around.


  1. They have sheets that you can get to attach to the back of a fish tank so you don't see the wires. Or, you could use pretty scrapbook paper of underwater scenes. Looks like those little fellas will be very happy in their new digs!

  2. I think I saw a smile on Flash's face. It looks absolutely lovely!

  3. Joyce-I saw those sheets at PetSmart and I was thinking of getting them. Then Megan gave me a ton of plants and I put them in and that worked! Thanks for the ideas though.

    Kay, I think you are right I saw Flash smile and Sparkles was wiggling hi to us!!

  4. They look so happy. I like their little cave action they have.
