Monday, March 9, 2009

What a warm one today was!!

What a wonderful, warm and sunny day it was here in Charlotte! When I got in my car to come home it was 86 degrees outside! What a change from last Monday's rain, snow and ice and 20 degree temps. Tonight is a full moon too-it is gorgeous. Hope everyone who had warm weather and sun got out today! Everyone have a great evening.


  1. Sherri;

    I'm jealous...we are back down in the 20's and 30's at night. Think the high was almost 35...who hoo.
    It's raining out now, was cloudy all day! Last week was glorious...70 degrees during the day. Love your plants and magnolia tree.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day. Nice to visit you too!

  2. Hi Sherri, we took a walk after dinner tonight and noticed the beautiful moon. It's my last night in AZ - back to the cold tomorrow evening. It's been a great 10 days of vacation. I really needed it. It will be good to be back in my real life too : )

  3. Yup! We had a pretty sunny day also. It's the rainy season here so we get some kind of rain almost every day. Still, we were able to get a break and enjoy a bit of sun like you.

  4. It's been lovely here too but now a cold front is moving in!
