Friday, September 11, 2009

Today is the 8th anniversary of 9/11

Today is the 8th anniverary of 9/11. Please take some time today to remember those that lost their lives and for those that have had their lives touched by this horrific tragedy our country has suffered. My husband was suppose to be in that building that morning but his train was stopped in Hoboken. They were told something happened and they would not be able to take the Ferry over to NYC. I thank God everyday that he was stopped in Hoboken!

God Bless America!


  1. How blessed he was.

    I can remember it happening like yesterday.

    Victoria xx

  2. Hi Sherri, I've been thinking about 9-11 all week. Some things will be forever etched on our memories.

  3. Oh my goodness, Sherri... Just thinking about it sends a chill up your spine how close that was for your husband.

    What a sad day that was. It's still so clear in my mind. I feel like it's been imprinted forever. My daughter used to call the towers for her job everyday and she learned that the entire company she was always in touch with was lost. It seemed imcomprehensible.

  4. OMG, you've been blessed. What a horrific day that was.

