Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spanish Class Update!

Oh boy did I work my behind off yesterday in the second Spanish Class!! We were learning numbers 1-100 in Spanish. That would have been all right just by itself but then the teacher thought it would be great to play a card game called 99. YIKES!!! We had to add cards in English, convert to Spanish, say it in Spanish and then continue round and round until there was 1 person left! I have a hard time with math even without converting from English to Spanish-LOL!!! I got myself all worked up over this because on my team of card players was both the owners of the company and my boss (one of the owners) is a math genius. No he really is!! He used to write computer programs for the FBI and the CIA!! See what I mean! I made it through but when I was done with the game and the class I was mentally exhausted. While John and I were having dinner, I was telling him about the class. I told him I really don't know what the matter is with my brain blocking on certain words or phrases. He reminded me I had a auto accident 1 yr. ago 9/11/10 and I ended up with Bell's Palsy. He said the Bell's Palsy probably has something to do with it. I was talking to one of the girls in the office and she told me Bell's Palsy can give you some form of localized amnesia because a very small part of the brain was injured and has not healed or may never heal. I will have to look into this.

Next week we won't be allowed to walk through the classroom door without telling Kelly our instructor what the Spanish word she just said or if she says a word in English we must tell her what it is in Spanish!! I think this class is more than I bargained for!! I am bound and determined though to learn Spanish!!


  1. Good for you, Sherri! Learning a new language is not easy but what a wonderful skill!:) Lori

  2. Wow, I'm so impressed that you've tried this class, Sherri. I don't have Bell's Palsey but I can tell you this would be very difficult for me! Go you!!!!

  3. WOW Sherri, your spanish class certainly sounds intense!!

    Victoria xx

  4. FUN! I learned spanish in school but unfortunately I´ve forgotten most of it... That´s what happens when you don´t get to use it, so try and use it as much as you can! :-)

  5. Keep at it, Sherri! I'm impressed and would be terrified to tackle math and another language at the same time!
