Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Alot Going on in May!

 Hi Everyone!  I hope this blog post finds you all well.  I cannot believe the end of May will be here tomorrow!  Where did the time go.  There has been alot of things going on here.

Scott and I have been busy!  We went up to his property and planted 3 apple trees and 1 peach tree.

Here is one of the apple trees we planted.

I was so excited because the mountain laurel was blooming.  I love mountain laurel.  It was everywhere!  Here are a few photos of the mountain laurel and a few photos of the property.

This is an old tobacco barn on the property.

Scott driving the Massey Ferguson down to where we were going to plant the trees.  I'm following in the Ranger Polaris.

Beautiful Mountain Laurel blooming.

Mountain Laurel from another spot.

A lovely path through the woods up on the property.

Scott and I then went to NJ to visit my Mom, sister, Sue, her husband, Chuck, my nephew, Troy and his Fiancee, Ashe.  We spent 4 days up there (well really 3 because we left to come home on the 4th day).  We had a wonderful time with all of them.  They loved Scott also.  I showed Scott all around where I grew up.  We went out to dinner with my Mom and Sue to The Green Olive.  We also went through Stokes State Forest for a lovely drive and saw a bear (missed it with the camera-darn!).  We went passed all the houses I have lived in and got some yummy bagels, hard rolls and hoagie rolls to take back with us! It was such a wonderful time!

This is the brook by our old farm John and I owned.  It is an abandoned railroad bed.  Scott and I took a lovely walk by here.

Dame's Rockets growing along the abandoned rr bed.  So sweet smelling-just wonderful!

We had a visitor while we were walking.  She didn't even seemed bothered by us!

Mysel and sister, Sue (standing) my Mom sitting.  We were having dinner at The Green Olive.

Scott and I at The Green Olive for dinner with Mom and Sue.

Sunrise Mountain-Stokes State Forest.

This past Saturday all 3 of Scott's kids graduated from High School.  We are so proud of them.  The boys (Ben and Mason) are fraternal twins and Katelyn did an excelerated program and graduated a year early.  

Ben, Katelyn, Scott and Mason at their high school graduation.

Scott and I also walked one morning earlier in the month at a beautiful park in Salisbury.

Lake at the Salisbury Park.

A gorgeous view of a field at the Salisbury Park.

I made one of my favorite cakes yesterday.  It is a chocolate wafer cake.  So good.  I have also attached a few other photos of things for this month.

Chocolate Wafer Cake

Closeup of a roses I bought at Harris Teeter.

This is the full bouquet of roses.  They are gorgeous in person!

Mother's Day, Mason and I created a veggie garden for him.  He is into 18th century ways, so he is planting this garden the 18th century way.  So far his 3 black peanut plants are doing really well and 1 strawberry plant.  The corn hasn't come up yet.

My strawberries are blooming again and have some strawberries set again.  The last ones were so good!

When I was down in SC at my house, I snipped these roses.  They were so pretty.  I also got 2 strawberries out of my garden there.

Well I hope June is going to be a good month.  I hope my house in Lake City sells really soon.  Everyone have a lovely day!



  1. Wonderful pics, Sherri. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wonderful walks, flowers and pics, and all the family is SO cute. Wow! 3 kids graduating at the same time. Sounds potentially painful to send them off to college, at least tuition-wise. Linda in Kansas

    1. Yes, it is alot with the 3 kids graduating all at once. Scott had already put aside the money for their college, so that helps. Ben, basically has a free ride being in the Army National Guard. He has been saving $ too. Mason will be going to community for 2 years and then going to a different college to finish, which is less costly. Katelyn will be getting a Veteran scholarship and possibly another one. It is still alot to deal with for the next 4 years though for sure!
