I haven't had much time to post my yard photos, but tonight is the night!! My daylilies are just gorgeous this year! I attribute that to so much rain earlier this year and it continues to rain alot this year here. I love every last one of them!! One I bought last year has bloomed this year too! Without further ado, here is my photos.
All those flowers add alot of color to the garden and our life! I have always had a flower garden and I always will! The last photo was one I took in our fern on the front porch. A sparrow made a nest and proceeded to lay her eggs in it. About 8 days later I went to check if the babies hatched and all 4 eggs were gone!! There has been a bluejay hanging around here and they do rob eggs from other birds. The grandboys would be crushed if they knew some other bird stole the eggs. I told them they hatched while they weren't here and flew away. I hate telling a white lie, but I couldn't take the boys being upset either! When I told Jack (because he asked about the eggs hatching on Saturday) he said he was glad that those birdies all flew away together!! So sweet! I really enjoy sharing what knowledge of birds, flowers, nature, etc. with the boys. Hopefully they will remember something of what I have said and pass it on to their children some day! That is how I learned about these things, from my Nana!!