Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Under the weather today :(

I really wish I was in bed today. I am at work with a huge headache, sore throat, runny nose and just plain feeling under the weather. This all started last yesterday afternoon. Our temperature keeps changing here in Charlotte and I'm sure that has something to do with it. Megan and Ken have it too! I am drinking tons of fluids and last night and tonight I will be in bed after I get home from work.


  1. Hi Sherri, hope you don't have the flue. Feel better soon.

  2. I thought the same as Marnie - hope its just a virus and not the flu. Get some rest, Sherri.

  3. Sorry to hear you're unwell Sherri, I hope you feel better soon.

    When you're up and about def go and see Julie and Julia - that'll cheer you up. Like you I didn't think much of the book... I only read a few chapters and gave up and still enjoyed the film.

    Victoria xx

  4. I actually left work at 2, came home and took some Theraflu and slept for a few hours. I feel better than I did but I'll be resting tonight.

  5. Sending you loving thoughts for a speedy recovery! So that you're soon on top of the weather!!

  6. Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon. I remember how awful it was when you started a cold and had so much to do at work. Now that I'm retired, I don't get sick as often. Knock on wood. Take care. Lots of chicken soup and rest.

  7. Hi Sherri,
    Just checking in and I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Hope you will feel all better very soon.

