Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cold and Windy 03.14.18

Well I guess I spoke to soon in my last post!  It has been cold and windy ever since!  Where is Spring, what did Winter do with her!!  I don't like when Winter goes directly into Spring (we have had many years like that here) but to go from absolutely gorgeous weather to cold and windy that just isn't fair.  I guess though I should be thankful I don't live in the mountains where it is still snowing!  My Mom and sisters are having alot of snow in NW New Jersey also.  My one sister lost power for 6 days!!  I felt so bad for her! 

Even though it is cold here, the sunsets are still beautiful!  Enjoy your evening my friends!!


  1. Spring is so temperamental. I remember what it was like when we lived in Chicago. I’m wishing you warm weather soon and lots of spring flowers.

  2. We have not seen ANY spring here yet---so enjoy any bit of it you can get! I know that you are way ahead of us when it comes to seasonal changes---at least on the warm weather side!

    Have a wonderful Thursday- xo Diana

  3. It's a funny time of year, isn't it? In the north - in my area at least - we don't plant flowers until Memorial Day. I hope warm spring days become the norm for you very soon!
