Friday, August 2, 2024

I Can't Believe it is August already!!

I hope everyone is having a great summer!  Happy August!  I cannot believe it is August already-how time flies!!

It has been a hot and humid one! First it was really dry and drought like conditions but then the rains came.  It is drying out now.  My gardens are thriving and I am thankful for that!!

Here are some photos of my gardens:

One of my favorite daylilies.

Here is a bouquet of my glads.

I picked the last glad for the year.  

My miniature pink rose has been going strong all summer!

One of my beautiful dahlias.

This red dahlia is so pretty.  The color is just so beautiful!

My veggies have been growing also!  Here are some things I have harvested.  The tomatoes are having a hard time with the ground being so dry and then wet.

Several tomatoes, a cucumber and chives from my garden.

The bugs have been really bad this year.  Every time I go out into the garden just for a little bit, those mosquitoes and flies bite the heck out of me!!  Here is a little (well not so little) visitor I had the other day!

Huge grasshopper on my dahlia!

Riley has been growing also over this summer.  I think he must be done growing now, well he might grow a little bit more.  He has developed quite the personality!  He is so strong, much stronger than any of the other Goldens I have owned.  He actually went to go see my neighbors little boy, forgot I was attached to the leash and got it all tangled around my finger and my finger got broken!  Very painful but all healed now!

I'm sorry to say I had been really sick for over 2 weeks.  I actually thought I had COVID.  I have never had COVID but it felt like what everyone was describing.  I didn't have COVID but I did have a very stubborn upper respiratory infection.  I ended up having to go to the Dr. twice and the second time she gave me a steriod and that cleared it up!  I cough every once in a while now but not too bad.  Don't ever want to go through that again!

I also celebrated my 65th birthday on the 23rd of July.  I was sick, so it was a quiet day.  Glad I made it around the sun again!!

Everyone have a lovely rest of your summer because before you know it Fall will be here!



  1. Oh my: an indirect injury from your Golden. Ouch! And a bummer infection on a birthday. Ok, you know that you're old enough now that you can move birthdays and holidays to whatever day works best for you, right? Finish getting well and celebrate some more. Beautiful flowers! Linda in Kansas

    1. Thanks Linda! You gave me a chuckle about moving the day of my birthday or holidays to whatever day works best for me. I am all better now and I have been out 3 times for lunch with some friends for my belated birthday! We had alot of fun. I'm surprised the flowers are presentable with all this heat and humidity! Take care!

  2. I think you made some good points. Keep working like that, great job!

  3. Appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this wonderful article. Goodjob!!

  4. Wonderful post! Great post on this website. Its awesome, Continue writing!

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