Monday, December 7, 2009

It was cold here over the weekend!

I know some of you have much colder weather than us but the weather here this weekend was really cold for Charlotte this time of year. The temp reading yesterday morning was 32 and the high for the day was 39! Our votive candle holder in the yard had ice in it and so did the birdbath! The roof on the garage was so sparkly with frost. Here are a few pictures of that:

Everyone stay warm and snuggle up with a good book and tea or coffee!


  1. We had some frost last week but usually in the UK the weather seems to get colder in January... fingers crossed I get another snow day in 2010!

    Victoria xx

  2. Bad weather all over the country this week. Tomorrow we are supposed to wake up to zero degree temperatures. Brrrr.

  3. Hi Sherri :)

    It's been cold here too! We're about to get some sort of sleet, wind, snow, rain storm LOL

    Your new home looks beautiful all dressed up for Christmas! I love all the stories you have about some of your pieces :)


    PS Loved seeing that picture of you at Thanksgiving ;)
