Sunday, February 23, 2025

February Will Be Leaving Us in a few Days!

 Well February is on it's way out and March will be coming in.  I wonder if it will come in like a Lion or a Lamb as the old saying goes!  

Things have been really busy, working alot.  I only seem to be able to get on here once a month.  I hope that with my decrease in days at work (I asked for only 3 days a week and still have the weekends off) that I will have more time to do things I like to do.  I do like work, but it is alot sometimes.  I did get to do 4 days of arrangement making for the floral department for Valentine's Day!!  Here are some of the arrangements I made:

They were all alot of fun to make and every one of them sold!

Josh, the Floral Manager told us (there were 4 of us helping out for Valentine's Day in different roles) that we could take anything in the Floral Department for a thank you from him for all our hard work.  He had one of the one most beautiful roses and I asked if I could have them.  It was 1 1/2 doz of these roses and I was able to make 3 arrangements out of them when I got home.  Here they are:

There was a beautiful sunrise one of the mornings in early February that I would love to paint (watercolor) sometime.

Just absolutely gorgeous the colors were!!

My double amaryllis opened and it was beautiful!  There were 2 stalks and so many buds on them.  They opened and died and then it sent a 2' stalk out and it is getting ready to open again.  Just beautiful!  I got it from Longwood Gardens.

My ruffled pansies are still going strong outside in a planter on the front porch.  I always have regular pansies but I've never seen the ruffled ones.  I got these at Pike's Nursery.  So beautiful.

The camellia I bought when I bought the pansies is still blooming and there are many, many buds on it to bloom as soon as it gets a little warmer, which is this week.  Wednesday it is supposed to be 70!!

This is my Helebore (Lenten Rose) blooming in my garden.  I used to have Helebore in Mint Hill when I lived there.  I always love them because they are one of the earliest flowers to bloom.  This one hasn't let me down!

This is a rose I bought at work and made an arrangement from the dozen.  I just love the coloring!!

I bought some things for Easter for the house at work and I also set all my bunnies out.  I don't decorate for St. Patrick's Day, so Easter is the next holiday.  I love my dining room table arrangement!

This is my Easter decorating on my Dining Room table.  I bought a new Linen look table runner at Hobby Lobby also.

I bought this cute pink gingham mug.  Like I really needed another mug!  I just couldn't pass it up for the pre-Easter and Easter season.  I bought this and a cute little pink plate with a bunny on it at work.

I also bought at Hobby Lobby a picture for the wall between the living room and kitchen (I have an open concept home).  I loved it the moment I saw it.  I love the trees and in the distance there are sheep.  We used to raise sheep on our farm in NJ.  It just spoke to me to buy it LOL!!

Well thanks for coming on this journey with me!  I have been knitting some and I have a watercolor commissioned piece to paint.  I am also planning on where I'm going to put the 3 roses I ordered and some other plants.  There will be a change in the garden behind my house.  It will be much better for roses (the full sun) than veggies.  I ordered a raised bed with legs for some veggies, which I will put back by the tree that hangs over my property.  In the future I would like to have about 4 raised beds with legs back there.  Kind of a veggie haven and some herbs.  I would also like to plant a tree or two back there.  The sun sometimes is so intense, just a little too much!

I am still painting my rooms in the main part of the house.  I was working so much and exhausted I stopped after I painted the living room.  I definitely will be working on the kitchen soon.  Then maybe my bedroom and master bath.  Eventually I would like to have the whole house painted.  I can only do a little at a time though due to time and this body isn't as young as it used to be LOL!!

Well everyone have a wonderful month and hopefully I'll get on here more and you can see what I've been up to!
