Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Things are moving along!

 I hope this post finds everyone doing good.  With Christmas fast approaching, I am sure we are all very busy.  I just thought I would stop by today and update everyone on things.

My closing on the new house is set for 12/18 at 9:00 a.m.  That is less than 2 weeks away!  I have the movers all set up for the 20th.  I wanted to give myself a few days to move some of the smaller things over by myself.  I'm trying to keep the moving fees down.  I've been on the phone with Spectrum also about my cable and internet being started over at the new house.  There is certainly alot of things to change over.  Next I will have to contact the post office of the new address.  I have some things to pack up, not as much as I usually have though.  I have only the minimum of things here at the apartment, but together I guess it adds up.  

I had a very nice Thanksgiving in NJ.  I will be going back up to NJ for Christmas.  I don't want to be alone and my sister, Sue and my Mom are happy I am coming back up.  I won't go if the weather turns though.  Hopefully it will just be the same as it was at Thanksgiving.  

I have all my Christmas shopping done, except for my sister, Sue.  I'll need to run out and get something small for her.  I have to wrap all the presents I have for the boys and Jenny.  I will see them on the 22nd down in Lake City.  I will only go for the day though.  It will be good to see them and exchange gifts!

Well that is about all I have right now.  Better get back to writing my Christmas cards out.

Everyone have a lovely day and holiday season.  I don't know if I'll make it back here before the holidays with the move and everything.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!



  1. Happy things are working for you. Glad you will be with daughter and grands...I could not remember how many children you have. I have moved 31 times, and I have found that doing it all at once is so much easier for me. When I left WV, I donated most of what I had, and when I left Indy, I donated to Habitat. I just don't do things anymore...am so minimal and have a tiny condo now. LOVE it. I like where you are living, but I liked living closer to Myrtle--about 30 miles or so...can't remember...NC is special though...Hope you have a Merry Christmas...and I hope you enjoy your family. I live for my kids and grands...they are my life...take care and please blog when you can. It is one of my favorites. Was just reading an email from a friend in Lake City...

    1. Hi Brenda, I have 2 grandsons. Owen is 12 and Jack is 10. I enjoy being with them.

  2. Sounds like a plan! Remember to take care of YOU too. Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, I hear you and I have been trying to do that. Sometimes it is hard when you live alone, but I have been taking time to knit while listening to audiobooks. Hiring a mover this time will help tremendously too!
