Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy July 1st!!

Happy July 1st Everyone!!  I hope this post finds you all well!  It is a hot and humid one with a nice breeze this morning.  It has been so hot here but finally last night we had a nice rain!!  We actually had a thunderstorm too.

My veggies and flower gardens are doing well.  I was a little worried with all the heat (the sun has been so intense).  The yellow squash doesn't seem to be producing anything yet, lots of blossoms but no squash.  I see some green beans coming on the plants and my cuke vines are out of control!  I picked my first tomato yesterday.  It was really big but I'm sure the heat has something to do with that.  I have been watering every nice, except last night I saw the rain coming.  My flowers are starting to fill out and alot of the daylilies have scapes with buds on them.  Some are blooming also.  Here are some of the plants in the garden:

Black-eyed Susan from my friend, Janice.  Thank you Janice!

Coleus in one of my containers.




First Dahlia of the season!

This is my side garden.  The plants are starting to fill out and I love the way it is all growing even in this heat!

Sundial Pink Cone Flower

I just love all the different colors and I can't wait until everything has grown to the right size next year!  I try to buy alot of perennials so I have repeats every year.  I fill in with just a few annuals.  Great way to save money also!  My ferns on the front porch have grown even more:

These are my Boston Ferns on the front porch.  I bought these pulleys, which I thought would be great.  You just pull them down to water them and then push them back up.  Well while they are hanging, they twirl and now that has messed up the pulleys working.  I think I'll have to take them down, fix the pulleys from being twisted and somehow stop them from twirling around.  I hope I can make them work again!  The concept is great!

This summer I have also made 2 wreaths for the front door of our church.  Every Sunday I would go into the church and there would always be 2 empty hooks (one on each door).  I thought wreaths really need to be on there not just these empty hooks.  I asked one of the older women who seems to be in charge of flowers for the altar, changing the cloth colors on the altar (which is now my job) and a few other things around the church about me making the wreaths.  She said you just go ahead and it will look beautiful!  I went to Hobby Lobby and got everything I needed and this is what I created:

 I think it looks much better than 2 empty hooks.  Sometimes you just have to pitch in and do it!!

I have taken on a project I never thought I would be getting into!  I am sewing by hand an 18th Century Man's Working Shirt for Mason!  He has taken an apprenticeship at Colonial Williamsburg and he has to wear authentic clothing.  Hence the hand sewn shirt.  It has been very interesting researching this sewing project.  I am using linen thread, which is run through beeswax to keep it from breaking down and going through the fabric easier.  I will be putting bone buttons on this shirt.  I am working with a pattern from Burnley and Trowbridge (Purveyors of Accurate Goods for Historical Fashion).  I am sewing right along and it is taking shape.  I'll post it when I'm done with it!

Well I better get sewing and I have to throw some laundry in the washer.  I hope everyone has a lovely day and stop and smell the roses or whatever flower you can!




  1. You are such a talented artist, Sherri. Those wreaths would make anyone who goes to church smile.

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