Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another Month drawing to a close!

Hi Everyone!  I cannot believe today is the last day of August!  This year is just speeding by!  I hate to say this but I am so ready for Fall.  It has been so hot and humid here this summer.  There are also a million bugs that go along with that type of weather.  I have been eaten alive this year it seems!

Well alot of things have happened since my last post in the beginning of August.  I have started dating someone.  I know, I know after Scott I didn't think I would date again.  That was such a bad experience.  I met Michael the second week of this month.  We had lunch and everything went really well.  Then he couldn't believe I never bowled before, so we had lunch and went bowling.  We had a picnic in the Park with our dogs so they could meet.  It went really well with Riley and Ivan.  Ivan is a 1/2 yellow lab and 1/2 Golden Retriever.  They got along really well.  Then Michael and Ivan came to dinner at my house.  The other day Michael and I went to lunch and then bowled again.  Monday we are having a picnic at his house and I am bringing Riley.  So things are going really well.  We are taking everything slow though.  He is divorced (5 years) and it wasn't pretty.  I am really glad I met him and it is working out so far.

Riley and Ivan walking in the Park

Fountain in the Park

I cannot believe Riley turned 11 months on the 16th of this month!  Where did that time go.  He is usually such a good boy, but he does still have that puppy wild streak in him every once in a while (which is to be expected).
Riley 11 months
Even with all of this heat, my garden produced some really beautiful flowers.  Some of my dahlias were smaller than normal but I still had a really huge dahlia.

Dahlia-Large Dinnerplate


Another Dinnerplate dahlia

Mr. Lincoln rose out of my garden.  This rose has a beautiful fragrance.  I just love it.  I planted it for Owen, my grandson who just loves Abraham Lincoln.

This rose, My First Love just keep on giving and giving.

I made some Fall wreaths for the doors of our church.  I took the summer ones down today and put these up.  I think they turned out really nice!

I have been working on another 18th century shirt for a customer.  It turned out really well.  It took about 1.5 weeks.  I shipped it to the customer today.  Here it is!

I have been knitting a little also in the evenings.  I am making a table runner designed by Margaret at Heidi and Lana.  It is called picnic.  I made it 17 stitches bigger than it called for.  I like a wider runner on my table.  The yarn is called Sky and that is by Heidi and Lana also.  It is an easier project and I like the way it is turning out.

We have had alot of thunderstorms with rain but no lightning lately.  This picture is from yesterday late in the day.  It got all dark and windy and then very loud thunder.  The rains came down in buckets.  It last for about 1.5 hours or so.  We did need the rain, it was so dry here again.

Well that about wraps it up for this post.  I hope everyone is having a good summer and that you all have a wonderful Labor Day!

Take care,



  1. Hi Sherri - I'm so behind with blogging but after seeing on your IG that you were dating I just had to check here too! That's sounds just lovely - I'm glad you have decided to give it another go and I hope you and Michael enjoy some really good times together. Life is short, each day precious, and having someone to share them with is special. You are still young and deserve more happiness.
    Thank you for your kind wishes for my Bob's current health issue. Damn cancer and all that - he's a fighter and we'll get through this together again!
    Love and hugs - Mary

    1. Hi Mary! I wasn't even going to try dating again after the last debacle but I'm glad I did. So far, Michael and I have been enjoying each other company, our dogs and getting to know each other. We are both taking it slow. He was married before and was divorced 5 years ago and it was not pretty! I am so, so sorry about Bob's current health issues. I pray for him every day. Yes, life is short as I found out almost 5 years ago when John passed away. My life was changed forever. You take care!

  2. Good luck and prayers Brenda

  3. Souns like a lovely summer. If the doggo boys approve, it's gotta be good! Baby Riley will be a genuine puppy for a couple of years, but you know that. Then he'll be a puppy forever too. Linda in Kansas

  4. It has been a lovely summer. The heat and humidity has been trying at times though. Riley did really well yesterday at Michael's house with Ivan. He settled right down and even went off leash in Michael's backyard for a bit with Ivan. We kept an eye on him though.
