Monday, January 22, 2024

Trying to Stay Warm and Some House Updates

Hi Everyone!  I hope you all have been staying safe and warm with all this cold weather.  We have been lucky and we have not received any snow or ice,  just wind and rain.  The temps the other morning when I let Riley out was 12 degrees!  That is unusual for here!  Riley is settling down very nicely here.  He is very good company for me.  I feel like he has doubled or maybe even tripled in size!  He is a very good boy.  Today we took a ride in the car.  I thought he was doing great but he got out of the car, he threw up on the driveway.  I guess he was unsettled by the wind and change.  

Riley-4 months old

I have been very busy at trying to get the rest of the house all set up.  On Friday my new coffee table was delivered from Kirklands.  I opened the box and there was so much styrofoam and it was all over.  Thank heavens for vacuum cleaners!  It came out really nice though and finished the living room.

My bedroom, kitchen, dining area are now all done and I love the way everything turned out.  I will be painting the walls in all of these rooms but for now it will just stay cream.

Dining Area

Living Room, Kitchen and Dining Area

My bedroom

On Friday I went to Gold Hill, NC, which is only about 4.5 miles from where I live.  What a cute little town.  They had a great restaurant and alot of shops.  I went with Lilli, Ben's girlfriend.  We had a great time despite it was freezing cold.  Alot of the shops were closed due to the cold, so we will go back again some other day when it is warmer.  They have a shop that you can cut your own flowers in the summer and they have workshops, which interests me!  Lilli and I may take a class sometime.  Here are some of the shops:

A little shop.

Another little shop.

This old house in the village is so beautiful!

This was a gas station at one time and now it is a shop in the village of Gold Hill.

This is the old post office made into a pottery shop.I definitely want to go back there.

When I was putting the living room together, I came across this wooden box which was my great-grandmothers.  I love this!

This was my paternal great greatmothers wooden box.  It looks like it could have been a jewelry box because it has velvet inside.

I bought some beautiful roses and mums at Harris Teeter and they have lasted for over 1 month and I got 2 bouquets out of the batch I bought.

Sunsets have been really pretty here lately.

I have been knitting also.  I started a new project called The Travertine Throw.  I'm not too far into it, but when I get some more done, I'll take a photo to share with you.  I'm reading Prodigal Summer for my bookclub.  I joined the Salisbury Library bookclub.  It will be meeting on 2/17.  I can't wait to meet everyone.  You can also go online and Zoom meeting the bookclub.  I'm excited to get back into a bookclub.  I have been having dinner with Jim, my neighbor just about every Wednesday and Saturday.  He has been a widower for the past 6 years.  He is 73 years old and very lonely.  We are going as friends and that seems to be working out just fine.  I have started going to church at Shiloah United Methodist Church in Granite Quarry, NC (just about 10 mins. from me).  I love that church.  They have a widow group and they go out to lunch every Sunday after church and 1 lunch a month at Longhorn Steak House.  I love that group so much and enjoy them every time I go!  They make me laugh!

So as everyone can tell, things are settling in rather nicely!  I hope everyone is well and enjoying 2024!




  1. Sounds great…brenda

  2. Just friends….Brenda. Chuckle

    1. Brenda, we really are just friends and I've made that really clear. I am not looking for a relationship after Scott. That relationship took so much out of me. I couldn't handle a relationship right now. Jim is a nice guy but he is too old for me. I'm 64 and a young 64. He is 73 and acts alot older. He talks about his deceased wife the whole time we are out and I think that makes him feel better. Hopefully it is good for him to talk about her. His kids are good to him, but he doesn't want to upset them talking about his wife all the time.

  3. Such an upbeat post Sherri - just so happy that you and Riley are settled in and things are going well. Will you be job hunting again soon?
    Glad you have found some new groups, they sound like fun - and several new friends.
    Stay warm - hope Riley is better.
    Mary -

    1. Mary, I am more upbeat these days! I have so much going for me and I'm done wallowing in self pity about Scott he just isn't worth it. Having Riley here and meeting so many new friends has also helped. The ladies from church really make me laugh and I need friends like that. They are wonderful and have included me in everything they do. I won't be job hunting right away. After all the moving, unpacking, setting up, issues with Scott, going to NJ so many times from the Autumn until Christmas I am just tired and need to just rest and relax a bit. I think I might look and see if a garden center needs help in the Spring. I love flowers as you know and that would be a great job! You stay warm too, even though our temps are getting better here as I'm sure yours are also.

  4. Might want to look up the specifics on taking a horse for a ride in your car. Mr. Riley is not a small pupper. For your next trip, make sure he hasn't recently eaten, until he gets used to rides. He'll soon be able to pull a cart for you, and might snatch food off of a counter. Your place looks lovely. Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, I really think Riley was upset more about getting in and out of the car. I'm going to take him on shorter rides around here until he realizes I'm not taking him and leaving him some where. He is not a small pup for sure but he has settled in really well here. He is great company. He is interested when I'm cooking but he has never acted like he might take food off of the counter. Thanks about the house, I've worked really hard to get settled in and make it look the way I want. Now I don't have to worry if someone else doesn't like my decorating, I'm just decorating for me again. I'm good with that :).

  5. Your home has come together beautifully, Sherri.

    1. Thank you! I'm trying to make it look homey and relaxing. I'm enjoying it :)!
