Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It is rainy, rainy, rainy here today!

The weather here today in Charlotte is just plain nasty!! Charlotte is suppose to get between 2-3 inches of rain just today! I went out to lunch today and got soak and wet. It has been gray, dingy, rainy and humid here all day. Yesterday we had fog, rain and gray in the morning, over the weekend we had rain, gray and fog-WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH of the gray, rain, foggy, dreary days here for a bit. I think it is suppose to be like this tomorrow too. I guess I should be thankful for the rain-just this past year we had a severe drought and I don't think all the levels fully came up to where they should be. I am looking forward to some sunshine though.

I really think we should all be sent home to read, snuggle under some covers and have some tea! Don't think the bosses would like that though-oh to dream......


  1. In the UK we're just experiencing cold, cold weather but thankfully no rain!!!

    I can't believe the week we had to return to work we get snow.. ice... the sort of weather that would have been perfect last week whilst I was snuggling in bed.

    Victoria xx

  2. Sherri, I like your new green/black background. Very nice!

    Hope it stops raining soon for you. No worries of that around here!

  3. I'm wishing you a sunny day tomorrow. It's the rainy season here in Hawaii, too. It drives my mother crazy when she's trying to hang her laundry out.

  4. I forgot to mention that I love your blog background, too!
