Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some Christmas Pictures

This is John and I by our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Megan and Ken by our fireplace on Christmas Eve. My son-in-law didn't feel well so he doesn't look his best.

This is Jenny and Kevin on Christmas morning right after they told us we are going to be grandparents in August!

We always have orange danish Christmas morning and Megan continued the tradition this year at her house!

Megan and Ken's Christmas tree.

This is a portion of the beautiful gift my son-in-law, Kevin made for Jenny. The butterflies are made of maps. The maps are places of meaning to Jenny. Examples: Where she was born, where she has lived, where they were married, where they live, London and Paris because she had traveled there. It was an amazing gift! Kevin did an excellent job!

This angel has been in our family for about 20 yrs. I bought her from a decorative painting artist that lived in the next county over from where we lived. She did a beautiful job. She is hung up every year.

I have 2 Trish Romance prints that John has given me for Christmas years ago. This one is called "Star of Wonder". I love her paintings! She lives in Niagra on the Lake. I just thought I would show you it. I also was trying out my new camera that John gave me!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! I know our family did! We have had a tough year but Christmas seemed to wash away all the "bad" part of 2009 and we are looking forward to a wonderful 2010!


  1. I love that photo of you and John, Sherri! You both look beautiful and happy. I made me smile just to look at the both of you. What a terrific Christmas you had. That slender tree is really nice and compact. I know a lot of people in Hawaii who would have paid hundreds for it.

  2. Lovely photos, Sherri!

  3. Looks like you had a nice Christmas. Congratulations on your exciting news!
    I am impressed by the gift your son-in-law made for your daughter. That is so thoughtful and pretty.

  4. Great piccies, Megan really looks like you. And what a wonderful thoughtful gift the butterflies are.

  5. What a great picture of you and John, Sherri! The other pictures of the girls are lovely as well!
    What a special and creative gift your son in law made for Jenny. It looks beautiful. The orange danish sound delicious...can you share your recipe?

  6. Fantastic photos of you all, looks like you had the perfect family christmas

    Victoria x

  7. What an amazing present the map butterflies is. It shows such love and caring and thoughtfulness. Congrats on the wonderful news. I so loved seeing you, your family, and your home. You have such a great attitude toward life, Sherri. I always smile when I come here.

  8. I love the butterfly map gift. How romantic of her husband.

    And speaking of Romance--I love your print;)

  9. Congratulations Sherri! Grandparents! How wonderful!! This will be an exciting year for you! The pictures of everyone are great! I'm so happy for you!!

    Happy New Year!!
    Joyce xoxo

  10. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! I love all the pictures- the one of you and your husband is just beautiful. The pictures of the butterflies is pure genius and it is so beautiful-what a creative and meaningful gift.

    Happy New Year to you Sherri - I wish you and your family health & happiness.

  11. I am tryin got get caught up on all my favorite blogs. What a surprise to see a Trisha Romance picture! I have quite a few of then because I am from Toronto. I seldom see them here in the US. T

  12. I will certainly digg it and personally suggest to my friends

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