Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Hurricane Ian in Lake City, SC

 Well luckily Hurricane Ian didn’t happen when Angie and I were in Charleston! I want to say my heart goes out to everyone that was affected by this Hurricane. The people of Florida were so hard hit and I pray they can rebuild and get back on their feet as soon as possible. I had some yard flooding and some down pine branches and boughs. It took me about 3 to 3 1/2 hours to clean up my yard. I am so glad my daughter, Megan who lives in Georgetown, SC didn’t have any water damage to her house. The pond that is on the golf course behind her house did flood her back and side yard. It came all the way up to the steps to her deck. They had lowered the pond on the golf course thank goodness or it would have been in her home! Here are some photos of my yard.

My House and front yard.

My front yard was like a pond.  The water eventually came over the driveway but then the rain stopped and no more water came near the house.

My backyard near my veggie and dahlia gardens.

View from the driveway to the backyard.

The fenced in area for the dogs was all flooded.

I had a large pine tree limb and tons of medium and small pine boughs all over the side yard.

I am just so glad there wasn't anymore fall out from Hurricane Ian than what I had.  I feel for the people of Florida.  I pray for them everyday!


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