Sunday John and I went to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. It was a lovely sunny day! Here are some Spring lovelies we saw:

Love these sunny yellow Daffodils!

The Orchid Extravaganza was just beautiful and wonderful! This lovely orchid was one of my favorites!

Hellebores are wonderful plants. These mauve ones are my favorites!

These coral colored quince just popped out from amongst the green. Isn't this color gorgeous!!

These white anemones are just gorgeous!!

These ruffled purple pansies were so cute! They always have these lovely little "faces"!

Pink anenomes are so beautiful!

These peach colored orchids were just stunning!

I have always loved begonias. These lovely pink blossoms were just hanging there looking beautiful.

I always felt crocus were one of the first flowers of Spring.

This pink camellia is my favorite photo! I just love camellias.

In the conservatory there was an orchid case and inside that glass case was this absolutely gorgeous orange orchid grouping!

This tropical plant was very unusual.The vivid red and yellow was so rich!

I don't know what this plant is called but it was really beautiful! This vine was just hanging amongst the greenery and it was just gorgeous!

This large urn was filled with these beautiful orchids. Actually there were two huge urns on the way into the orchid conservatory.
I have alot more photos but this is all I'm going to show you. I just love the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden and enjoy every visit there!!